List of all Nickerson Farms Resturants
Here is a quick list of all known Nickerson Farms Resturants. Some were built, but removed while others were never built. I am always looking for more info or a place I might have missed. Arizona Aztec I-8 at Aztek exit Dragoon I-10 at Dragoon Rd Picacho Peak I-10 at Picacho exit Quartzsite I-10 at US95 West of Phoenix Arkansas Menifee (Conway) I-40 and Menifee Interchange Widener I-40 and County Road Colorado Bennett 28 Mi East of Denver on I-70 Denver I-25 and 58th St/5775 Logan Loveland 7 Mi South of Loveland on I-25 Indiana New Lisbon I-70 and Wilbur Wright Rd Little Point Rensselaer I-65 and 114 NW corner Mt Comfort I-70 Seymour I-65 and US 50 Iowa Honey Creek I-29 and Honey Creek (Rosewood) ...
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