New Braunfels Texas building still standing

Nickerson Farms of New Braunfels Texas.  Building is still standing, but the antique business is closed so I did not get to look around.


  1. I recently visited a couple of old Nickerson Farms locations in Ohio and Michigan that are still operating as restaurants for my blog devoted to obscure restaurant and retail chains. I'd be honored if you gave my blog entry on the subject a read. You can find it here:

  2. There's another one close by still standing too.,-96.8467436,3a,45.5y,150.69h,91.53t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1syFMPCN4Uvw7QOxadobmUYw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

    1. I had stopped by this on between San Antonio and Houston about 5 years ago after finding this site and taken many pictures of the ouside!!!

  3. Excuse me, I found out about these restaurants 3 years ago and they intrigued me to the point of mild obsession. I think I found the closest pictures to operating one on a listing. Check it out


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